4G Team to develop roadmap to keep the Singapore story going for many more generations to come

Singapore, wong, 4G, Team, together, give, people, generation, pandemic, tripartism, world

"I don’t know if the PAP will win the next General Election.... But I give you my word: whatever lies ahead, I will give every ounce of my strength to this movement, together with my comrades in the 4G team... to keep Singapore special and build a better Singapore in SG75."

We live in a world of strained relationships that threatens a more fractured and bifurcated world order. Domestically, Singapore must also wrestle with other issues such as a rapidly ageing population and more diverse society

No one can guarantee that Singapore will do well in this more uncertain and volatile future, Finance Minister Lawrence Wong said in his May Day address. What gives him confidence is what we have been through in the last 2 years dealing with the covid pandemic, he said. 

The ability to adapt and to adjust quickly, keeping faith with one another, and maintaining our solidarity and trust in each other have helped us to attain good outcomes.

“We’ve kept Covid-19 deaths at one of the lowest rates in the world, and enabled employment and incomes to recover quickly to pre-Covid-19 levels already,” Mr Wong said. 

The lesson, Mr Wong said, should be clear to all of us. 

"We will achieve more when we stand together as one united people."

What Lawrence Wong wants to do: to enable the next generation to do better than us...

“Our pioneers have enabled my generation and I to do better than our parents,” said Mr Wong. “Likewise, for me and my 4G team, we want to ensure the same for the next generation, for our children and grandchildren. We want those who come after us to also benefit from inclusion, from opportunities, from many more expanding pathways to success and fulfilment,” he added. 

How did the previous generations do it? How did they enable us to do better than them?

It was Singapore’s distinctive model of tripartism forged in the early years. 

Unlike elsewhere in the world, in Singapore, unions partnered the Government and employers, and together, the tripartite partners became co-drivers of Singapore’s development, said Mr Wong.
Tripartism remains the cornerstone of the Singapore Way. 
Mr Wong described himself as the direct beneficiary of tripartism, as are many of us. We have experienced directly how progressive social and economic policies could uplift everyone – regardless of race, language or religion; regardless of social background, he said. 

What tripartism means...

The partnership between Government, unions and employers means that ‘we may have differing interests from time to time, but we do not clash and grind against each other in a zero-sum game’, Mr Wong said.
“Instead, we learn to accommodate, give-and-take, and find common ground. In the process we build closer relationships with one another, we strengthen trust, and we move forward together,” he said. 

Can the 4G Team ensures that future generations will also benefit from inclusion, from opportunities, from many more expanding pathways to success and fulfilment?

We can achieve this if we stand together united as one people, as the pandemic has shown.

Referring to the challenges and disruptions faced in much of the developed world caused by the pandemic and the strained US-China relationship, which have created anxieties and strains, Mr Wong said that people have responded with a ‘us versus them’ mentality. 

“In other words, anger is directed at the “others”, and the “others” could be foreigners, or those of different ethnicity or background,” he said. “And then, politicians seek to exploit the grievances of various groups to sow discord and make others look bad,” he added.
The result is that many of these societies have become more insular, polarised, and divided, he said. Singapore must learn from our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will achieve more when we stand together as one united people, Mr Wong said. 

I don’t know if the PAP will win the next General Election but I give you my word...

Winning the next election is not a given, Mr Wong said. But he gave the assurance that he and the 4G team will do their best to strengthen tripartism which has brought us progress, and ensure that Singapore remains special and build a better Singapore in SG75. 

Forward Singapore. 4G Team will refresh social compact, develop roadmap for next decade and beyond

There is no ready blueprint for the Singapore of tomorrow. Over the decades, Singapore’s progress was by no means guaranteed. It took persistence, hard work and the cultivation of shared values and aspirations. What is clear is that the Labour Movement and Tripartims have been the bedrock of success. This has been proven time and time again through the many crises we have weathered together. 

Mr Wong said the 4G Team will lead an exercise to refresh our social compact.

This exercise will be formally launched soon. It will be a major undertaking of the 4G team. The “Forward Singapore” agenda, which will set out the roadmap for the next decade and beyond.

“We will engage stakeholders from every sphere – unions, the people and private sectors. We will seek to hear your thoughts on the economy, healthcare, housing, education, and many other areas including how we can continue to support and uplift every worker. We will consider what we need to do differently; but also affirm what is being done well; and how we can do it even better,” Mr Wong said.
The exercise will not just about what the Government can do for people. It will also be about what we can all do for one another (as we have learned from this pandemic) and ‘how we can all, collectively, contribute toward building a better society that embodies the values we stand for’, he said. 

"I would like to see a fairer, greener, and more inclusive Singapore that we will always be proud to call home. A home where everyone is accepted and valued, and treated equally and with respect, no matter their background or station in life. A home where everyone can live with dignity, and flourish in their own way, and at their own pace, regardless of their starting points."


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