Singapore’s political contestation will continue, likely to intensify

Singapore, challenge, government, public, service, PAP

Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong spoke at the annual public service leadership ceremony on November 1, 2022. In his opening speech, he highlighted that the Public Service played a pivotal role in keeping Singaporeans safe during the Covid-19 pandemic, from keeping borders, checkpoints, hospitals, and vaccination centers running smoothly to reaching out to households and businesses to […]

Can I still afford a HDB flat? can i still afford a hdb flat can i still afford a hdb flat 1

Someone said that young graduates used to aspire to a 5-rm flat but now they can only afford a 4-rm flat. And a poly grad used to aspire to a 4-rm flat but now, they can only afford a 3-rm flat. When I was a young graduate, I was realistic of my financial ability and […]

Should land for public housing in Singapore be priced at a nominal rate?

house, public, HDB, Singapore, land, flats

You’ve heard this before: that land for HDB flats should be priced lower, even at a nominal fee of $1 because it is land for public housing. After all, land assets, as part of the reserves, belong to the people.  The problem with this line of reasoning is that public housing in Singapore has taken […]

All surpluses are given back to Singaporeans in different forms: Lawrence Wong

surplus, government, inflation, set, GST, inflation, NIRC

When WP Jamus Lim wrote in a Facebook post that ‘the government must not make money while citizens suffer’ he was just doing what an Opposition MP usually does, using emotive language to paint the government in a negative light even when it is not true. Thus he looks with glee upon the surpluses the […]