Why so shy, TOC? Why the refusal to be transparent with funding sources?

Why so shy, TOC? Why the refusal to be transparent with funding sources? The Online Citizen

Singapore’s domestic debate is a matter for Singaporeans, Mr Lee Kuan Yew once said to an American audience. This is why under the Broadcasting Act, registered Internet Content Providers which engaged in the promotion or discussion of political issues relating to Singapore are required to be transparent about their sources of funding. This is to […]

Yipeng is polite, gentle and determined, says his aunt

Li Yipeng

Li Yipeng, son of PM Lee Hsien Loong, was born on Oct 7, 1982 with Asperger’s Syndrome confounded by Albinism which means he had no pigment on his skin and eyes, and his vision would be impaired. PM Lee Hsien Loong had phoned his father after Yipeng was born to tell him about the baby’s […]