Workers Party is not the party that can lead Singapore

Workers Party is not the party that can lead Singapore

On the Raeesah Khan’s saga, netizen Richard Weng said that WP was in full control of the narrative but they chose not to do anything about it for months. As he pointed out, this incident did not just happen on 1 Nov. “This happened in Aug and more tellingly in early Oct where RK was […]

What’s the journey towards endemicity like? Is the taskforce flip flopping?

What's the journey towards endemicity like? Is the taskforce flip flopping?

What is it like to journey towards endemicity? The problem we have is that despite the many times we have tried to explain, many people still do not understand the meaning of treating the virus as endemic or the process of going towards endemicity. First, treating Covid-19 as endemic means accepting that virus will always […]

Let’s have an honest conversation. FICA can protect Kirsten from herself.

Kirsten Han

The Foreign Intervention Countermeasures Act (FICA) was passed into law earlier this week, making it the Foreign Intervention Countermeasures Bill. Over the past week, Kirsten Han and her merry band of activists have stated their belief in several places that allowing foreign interference is democratic, that disallowing it is authoritarian, and that the government is […]

Rite of passage: we’re being tested as one nation, one people

covid-19 singapore

Health Minister One Ye Kung described the sharp spikes in COVID-19 cases as ‘rite of passage‘ as Singapore moves towards living with the virus as endemic. His description incurred displeasure among some Singaporeans who rejected this ‘rite of passage’ outright with much indignation. But they did not understand. A covid-resilient Singapore is one where the […]